Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The real future

Even in my very early twenties, the "me" I pictured in the future was a tall blond with long, thick hair........about the time we got married was when the reality struck that I was who I was, and my only hope for a gorgeous head of hair was an expensive wig! Oddly enough, that's not the only time that my vision of the future has been just a bit off.

The career woman or amazing homemaker has been replaced by someone who's still in PJ's at 4pm because she's trying to work on the computer every minute the baby is asleep! When dinner and I are both ready on time, Tom is sometimes running late. And when I have neither gotten dressed nor put the frozen pizzas in the oven, he sometimes gets home early. Not having totally accepted my failure to live up to my own ideal, panic sets in. Then a mad dash to swap pajama pants for jeans, lock myself in the bathroom, and see what lipstick, hairspray and perfume can do in the 60 seconds it takes him to get from the car to the house!

I was also someone who wasn't going to change my ways simply because I had children. When I needed new clothes, I'd spend a couple hours picking out my outfit, fixing and touching up my hair, and applying makeup (half hour minimum on this part alone). Then I'd spend the day at the mall with a friend, get something to eat, and then shop some more. How drastically things have changed really struck me yesterday. In the vicinity of Target with about 10 minutes to spare before picking up the girls from school, I ran in with Tommy, grabbed four shirts off the clearance rack, paid, and zipped over to the carpool line. (Surprisingly, they all from the guardian angel perhaps!)

Hopefully, my goals for the future are more realistic (and less materialistic) now, but I'm sure grateful for these funny memories that help keep it light!

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