Monday, April 22, 2013

Top 10 Ways To Make A Husband Mad

Obviously this post is written tongue-in-cheek, but these are all things I've caught myself doing. It's funny how they sound terrible in print but can seem so righteous when they're being done. Dare I say hypocrisy?

1.If he does not express his feelings very often, assume that he has none.

2.Never do anything without expecting something in return, even if it's just the pleasure of correcting him when he fails to say "Thank-you."

3.Never do anything for him or the kids without recording it in the mental notebook that you take out during all arguments.

4.If you're not 100% sure what his motives are, assume the worst.

5.After carrying out #4, spend some time dwelling on these heinous motives and don't forget to meditate on what a good wife you are.

6.If you realize that he's right during a disagreement, don't admit it. Just find something else to fight about.

7.Criticize him in front of his family.

8.When you have a problem with something he did, address him like you're a lawyer delivering your summation to the jury.

9.Refuse to tell him why you're mad and then get mad at him for not talking about it.

10.If you're feeling down, assume it's his fault and come up with the twisted logic to prove it.

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