Monday, November 12, 2012

Praise and Worship

Writing shower door blogs for work gave me the idea of writing a blog for fun, and I've mulled over lots of different ideas - faith, politics, cooking, kids...........and unfortunately I don't have a shortage of opinions about any of them! I do often run short of "positivity", though, so the blog will be about the amazing things that I often take for granted.

That being said, I want to write the first one about a friend who put herself on the line to share her talents in a way that I truly appreciate. She has taken the initiative to get a Praise and Worship Mass started at our parish once a month, and while I haven't always been there, I've really been inspired by the joyful, prayerful music each time I've made the effort to get out the door on Saturday evening. It's so easy to see a need or have an idea and just leave it as a thought - thank you for making this a reality in spite of the sacrifice of time and the stress that goes with starting some thing new!

It often seems easier to go to God with sadness, repentance, and even reverence than with joy, but praise and worship music can help a person to pray happily. And with all the Biblical commands to rejoice, this is a good thing!


  1. Thanks for the encouragement, Therese! It's not always easy, and I've been discouraged at times with the work and organization that goes into preparing for the Mass, so your kind words are truly appreciated :) I feel the same way about Praise and Worship... it helps me to take my mind off my own problems and raise my heart in simple praise and thankfulness.

  2. Exactly! I should be there in December, but don't hesitate to remind me of the date. LOL

  3. So true! I really enjoyed the Praise and Worship Mass I attended when I was in VA. Rejoicing is certainly something I usually forget to focus on and I need all the reminders I can get.
